Qui participe ?

Cranfield University


En plus des leaders des différents work package et des représentants des organismes participants, AGFORWARD implique environ 112 chercheurs de 17 pays européens et 2 organisations internationales.


Le projet sera coordonné par le Dr Paul Burgess,  Maître de conférences en Écologie et Gestion des Cultures à l'Université de Cranfield.  Le Dr Burgess a une expérience de 23 ans dans les sciences agronomiques et économiques des arbres et des cultures, de 19 ans de recherche en agroforesterie tempérée incluant l'évaluation des services culturels.   Paul Burgess est aussi le leader du Work-package 10.

Le Co-ordinateur préside un Comité Exécutif comprenant les leaders des 9 work-package et le Dr Dupraz de l'INRA.  

Leaders des Work-package

  • WP1: Dr Michael den Herder, European Forest Institute
  • WP2: Dr Gerardo Moreno, University of Extremadura, Spain
  • WP3: Dr Anastasia Pantera, TEI Stereas Elladas, Greece
  • WP4: Dr Jaconette Mirck, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany
  • WP5: John Hermansen, Aarhus University, Denmark
  • WP6: Dr Joao Palma, Lisbon University, Portugal
  • WP7: Dr Tobias Plieninger, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • WP8: Prof. M.R. Mosquera, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
  • WP9: Fabien Liagre, SCOP Agroof, France

Autres participants

AGFORWARD utilise une approche participative de la recherche pour identifier, développer et tester des innovations en agroforesterie sur le terrain, au sein des work-packages 2, 3, 4 et 5. C'est-à-dire que nous ne cherchons pas à travailler POUR les agriculteurs, mais AVEC les agriculteurs.



Cranfield University


Cranfield University est une université exclusivement postdoctorale situé à environ une heure au nord de Londres. [ Nbsp ] C'est un leader mondial pour l'éducation et la recherche transformationnelle dans la technologie et la gestion. [ Nbsp ] [ nbsp ] Il accueille également le Forum Woodland Farm.

Voir l'équipe

Dr Paul Burgess
Dr Paul Burgess (Project Co-ordinator)


Paul est le maître de conférences en Ecologie et Gestion des Cultures au sein de la School of Energy, Environment and Agrifood à l'Université de Cranfield. Il est responsable de la gestion globale du projet AGFORWARD. Il a déjà réalisé des recherches ciblées sur les sites du réseau silvo-arable au Royaume-Uni, et a dirigé un module de travail axée sur la modélisation bio-économique des systèmes silvoarables européens.

“Je suis heureux que par la possibilité que nous avons dans AGFORWARD de promouvoir l'intégration des arbres dans les systèmes agricoles européens, nous puissions leur fournir des bénéfices à la fois financiers et environnementaux.

Dr Anil Graves
Dr Anil Graves


Anil est maître de conférences dans les systèmes d'aménagement du territoire au sein du Département des Sciences et des Technologies de l'Environnement à l'Université de Cranfield. Il a réalisé son doctorat sur “l'évaluation bio-économique des systèmes agroforestiers en Europe”. Il sera étroitement impliqué dans l'utilisation de modèles pour décrire l'évaluation technique et économique des pratiques agroforestières à l'échelle des parcelles et des fermes.

Dr Kenisha Garnett
Dr Kenisha Garnett


Le Dr Kenisha Garnett est l'administratrice du projet AGFORWARD. [ Nbsp ] Elle possède un doctorat en Politique de Gestion de l'Environnement, une maîtrise en Méthodes de recherche en sciences sociales et une maîtrise en génie de l'environnement et gestion de projet.

Prof Jane Rickson
Prof Jane Rickson


Jane est professeur en érosion et conservation des sols au sein du Département des Sciences et des Technologies de l'Environnement à l'Université de Cranfield.

Dr Silvestre García de Jalón
Dr Silvestre García de Jalón


Silvestre is the Research Fellow in Agroforestry and Bio-economic Modelling at Cranfield working on the AGFORWARD project. Silvestre received his PhD in Agricultural and Natural Resources Economics from the Technical University of Madrid. He then had a Post-doctoral position at Purdue University in the USA where he conducted research on the drivers of adoption of conservation practices under a changing climate context. He started work at Cranfield University in November 2015.

Matt Upson
Matt Upson


Matt Upson est chercheur en agroforesterie et a travaillé spécifiquement sur ​​le projet de AGFORWARD d'octobre 2014 à novembre 2015. Matt a récemment terminé son doctorat qui portait sur le potentiel de stockage de carbone des systèmes agroforestiers au Royaume-Uni. Matt a une formation en arboriculture pratique et une maîtrise en conservation et protection des forêts.


L' European Forest Institute  - EFI - est une organisation internationale créée par les États européens, qui effectue des recherches et fournit un soutien politique sur les questions liées aux forêts. 130 organisations sont actuellement membres de l'EFI en Europe et au-delà. Les principaux domaines de recherche sont la durabilité et le changement climatique, la politique et la gouvernance, les prévisions et l'information.

Voir l'équipe


Dr. Marcus Lindner
Dr. Marcus Lindner


Le Dr. Marcus Lindner est à la tête du programme "Durabilité et Chamgement Climatique" au sein de l'EFI. Il a 20 ans d'expérience de la recherche sur les impacts du changement climatique et sur le développement de stratégies d'intervention dans la gestion des forêts, la durabilité du secteur de la forêt et l'évaluation des biens et services des forêts européennes. Il a conduit et a contribué à de nombreux projets européens. Il a coordonné le développement de l'outil pour l'évaluation de l'impact de la durabilité (ToSIA) dans EFORWOOD, conduit dans MOTIVE l'engagement des acteurs et la diffusion des informations et conduit dans VOLANTE l'analyse des différentes voies souhaitées pour l'utilisation des terres.

Dr. Robert Mavsar
Dr. Robert Mavsar


Le Dr Robert Mavsar est à la tête d'EFIMED et chercheur principal en économie forestière. Avec un diplôme en foresterie et un doctorat en économie, il a plus de 10 ans d'expérience en recherche, principalement en politique et économie de l'environnement et de la forêt. Il a coordonné (STAR TREE, FORVALUE, MASIFF) et a travaillé dans (FIRE PAARADOX, EXIOPOL, CREEA, NEWFOREX) plusieurs projets de recherche financés par l'UE.

Dr. Michael den Herder
Dr. Michael den Herder


Le Dr Michael den Herder est chercheur à l'EFI, recemment impliqué dans des projets liés à la recherche en bio-énergy, biodiversité et écologie (Volante, Geoland2, BioE-BioD). Actuellement, Michael travaille sur l'utilisation des terres, les enjeux du changement d'utilisation des terres et de quelle manière la télédétection peut contribuer à évaluer la diversité et la nature des forêts.

Mercedes Rois
Mercedes Rois

Mercedes Rois has been working in the past on forest biodiversity indicators, in particular on silvopastoral systems, and also on application of sewage sludge as fertilizer in silvopastoral systems. After a few years working on project administration and management she returned back to research, working mainly on the policies and factors framing agroforestry in Europe within the AGFORWARD project.

En tant que leader de réseau pour les chaînes d' approvisionnement animales et végétales, l'ACTA fédère 15 instituts techniques agricoles (ITA). Les ITA sont le niveau d'application du système de recherche et de développement agricole français. L'ACTA et les ITA ont été créés et sont toujours dirigés par des agriculteurs. Dans le but d'équilibrer le consortium et pour déterminer l'évaluation des projets européens, les instituts techniques agricoles peuvent adopter la stratégie suivante si nécessaire : lorsque plusieurs ITA souhaitent rejoindre un consortium, l'ACTA apparaît comme le seul partenaire dans le projet tandis que les autres ITA apparaissent en tant que parties tierces. Pour le projet AGFORWARD, l'ACTA et les ITA (l'IDELE : Institut de l'Elevage Français, l'IDF : Institut pour le Développement Forestier) ont adopté cette stratégie.

Voir l'équipe


Adrien Guichaoua
Adrien Guichaoua

Monsieur Adrien Guichaoua, Manager de projets européens, membre de l'Assemblée Générale.

Eric Pottier
Eric Pottier

Eric Pottier: Chef du département fourrage et soins aux animaux d'élevage.

Jean Christophe Moreau
Jean Christophe Moreau

Jean Christophe Moreau : Chef de projet service fourrage et changement climatique

Philippe Van Lerberghe
Philippe Van Lerberghe

Philippe Van Lerberghe est un ingénieur chercheur à l'Institut pour le Développement Forestier. Sa mission est axée sur l'évaluation des intérêts technico-économiques des travaux de reboisement et sur le developpement de nouvelles méthodes de boisement et de nouveaux outils de planification pour un environnement plus naturel. 

Hélène Gross
Hélène Gross

Hélène Gross est chargée de projet en charge de la biodiversité à l'ACTA. Elle suit et officie à des projets où la biodiversité interragit avec l'agriculture et mène un réseaux d'acteurs dans cette perspective.
Formée comme ingénieur agronome, elle a réalisé son doctorat interdisciplinaire en agroécologie et sciences de la gestion, sur la gestion du sylvopastoralisme en zone remarquable en danger.



Le département de la production végétale à l'[nbsp] Université de Santiago de Compostela [nbsp] (USC) a 50 salariés, et le secteur "systèmes agroforestiers" est l'un des huit groupes de recherche. Le groupe agroforesterie a plus de 40 ans d'expérience dans la recherche participative sur le système sylvopastorale, en mettant l'accent sur la productivité (nutrition, production animale), la séquestration du carbone, le cycle des nutriments, les liens entre la culture et la biodiversité (races animales locales, biodiversité floristique). Les membres du projet ont travaillé pour des autorités nationales et régionales dans le développement de mesures agro-environnementales. Les membres de l'équipe ont édité des livres sur "le sylvopastoralisme et la gestion durable des terres" en 2004 (CAB internationale) et «l'agroforesterie en Europe" (Springer), et ont écrit un rapport sur les indicateurs de biodiversité en agroforesterie pour l'EFI et l'Agence Européenne de l'Environnement. L'équipe a publié 25 articles au cours des 4 dernières années et deux analyses sur les systèmes agroforestiers en Europe et la séquestration du carbone dans «Advances in Agroforestry". L'équipe travaille actuellement sur les systèmes agroforestiers avec des races locales de chevaux, de bovins et de porcs et avec des associations et entreprises locales.

Voir l'équipe


Prof Rosa Mosquera-Losada
Prof Rosa Mosquera-Losada

Rosa Mosquera-Losada est la chef du Département «production végétale», avec un axe de recherche sur les prairies et les forêts. Ses projets de recherche portent sur des parcelles pilotes en agroforesterie et sur l'extension des enseignements avec des sociétés commerciales. Elle est responsable du groupe agroforesterie espagnole au sein de la Société Forêt  Espagnole. Rosa est la secrétaire de EURAF et, depuis 2006, est membre du comité scientifique de la Fédération Européenne des Prairies. Elle est rédactrice associée de la revue Agroforestry Systems JCR. Elle est actuellement à la tête du projet national AGROFOR. Elle a travaillé dans la recherche et la politique avec les chercheurs et les décideurs de différentes parties de l'Europe et du monde.

Pilar González Hernández
Pilar González Hernández

Pilar González Hernández est une scientifique qui étudie les systèmes de production des pâturages. Elle a publié sur les composés antinutritionnels de la végétation ligneuse dans les systèmes sylvo-pastoraux, et les taux de charge.

Dr Jose Javier Santiago Freijanes
Dr Jose Javier Santiago Freijanes


Dr Jose Javier Santiago Freijanes is a Researcher at the University of Santiago de Compostela. His expertise is in mapping and programming.

Technologiko Ekpedeftiko Idrima Stereas Elladas

L' Institut d'Enseignement Technologique  (Τ.Ε.Ι.) de Sterea Ellada, est un institut d'enseignement supérieur en Grèce comprenant au sein de quinze départements, plus de 500 personnes travaillant dans la recherche, l'enseignement et l'administration, et plus de 10 000 étudiants. Le département des Forêts et de Gestion de l'Environnement Naturel est situé dans la ville de Karpenissi, préfecture de Evritania, à 70 km de la ville de Lamia.

Voir l'équipe


Prof Dr Anastasia Pantera
Prof Dr Anastasia Pantera

Anastasia Pantera, enseignant chercheur en agroforesterie, systèmes sylvo-pastoraux, sols forestiers, biologie forestière et sylviculture.

Dr Kostantinos Mantzanas
Dr Kostantinos Mantzanas

Dr Kostantinos Mantzanas completed a Ph.D. at the School of Forestry and Natural Environment at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th). His thesis title was “Biomass characteristics of mountainous areas affected by silvopastoral treatments”. His academic and research interests include: structure and function of agroforestry systems, ecology and development of rangeland ecosystems, survey and management of agroforestry systems, and traditional agroforestry systems. Konstantinos participated in several European and national research projects, and is the National Delegate of EURAF – European Agroforestry Federation (2012-now), the General Secretary of HAN - Hellenic Agroforestry Network (2012-now), also member of the Geotechnical Chamber of Greece, the Hellenic Range and Pasture Society (General Secretary 2007-2010) and the Hellenic Forestry Society.

Dr Kostantinos Mantzanas
Dr Andreas Papadopoulos


Dr Andreas Papadopoulos is a professor at the Department of Forestry and Natural Environment Management, Technological and Educational Institute of Sterea Ellada, Greece. Andreasreceived an Honours degree in Forestry and Environmental Science at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and aPhD in Dendroclimatology at the University of Aix-Marseille III, France. He has coordinated or participated in more than 15 research projects. His research has been published in peer-reviewed international and national scientific journals as well as international and national conferences and he has produced several book chapters. His research interests include: forest ecology, agroforestry and dendroecology.

Professor Vasilios Papanastasis
Professor Vasilios Papanastasis


Dr. Vasilios P. Papanastasis is an emeritus professor of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh). He studied forestry in Greece and did postgraduate studies in a range of science subjects (M.Sc., Ph.D.) at the University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A. He worked as a researcher in the Forest Research Institute of Thessaloniki and as a professor at the School of Forestry and Natural Environment of AUTh, where he taught rangeland ecology and agroforestry. He carried out several research projects, national and international and participated in national and international conferences. He has authored 5 books and about 400 scientific papers. He is member of several national and international scientific societies.

Classé numéro un des instituts agricoles en Europe et numéro deux dans le monde, [nbsp]l'INRA[nbsp] mène des recherches en faveur d'une haute qualité nutritive et sanitaire des aliments, d'une agriculture compétitive et durable et d'un environnement préservé et valorisé. L'INRA implique cinq équipes de recherche situées sur trois sites français: Montpellier (INRA-SYSTEM et INRA-DIASCOPE), Rennes (INRA-SAS et INRA-SAD) et Lusignan (INRA-FERLUS) dans la zone ouest côté Atlantique. L'INRA-SYSTEM est la principale équipe de recherche en France sur les systèmes agroforestiers, avec plus de 25 années de recherche ininterrompues et qui gère deux sites majeurs en agroforesterie expérimentale à Restinclières et Vézénobres. Ces sites sont probablement les seuls en Europe à la fois matures et contrôlés en permanence depuis leur plantation.

Voir l'équipe


Dr Christian Dupraz
Dr Christian Dupraz

 Le docteur Christian Dupraz, [nbsp] de l'INRA UMR SYSTEM, a une grande expérience en agroforesterie, modélisation et changement climatique. Christian Dupraz est un chercheur en agroforesterie, corédacteur du livre "Systèmes Agroforestiers", coordinateur du premier projet européen sur l'agroforesterie (SAFE, Agroforesterie Silvoarable pour l'Europe, 2001-2005), auteur d'un manuel de référence sur l'agroforesterie.


Dr Sandra Novak
Dr Sandra Novak


Le docteur Sandra Novak, [nbsp] de l'INRA-FERLUS, systèmes de cultures associées à la production laitière, cultures fourragères, expérimentation agronomique et zootechnique, évaluation agri-environnementale.

Dr Marie Gosme
Dr Marie Gosme

Le docteur Marie Gosme, de l'INRA UMR SYSTEM, agroforesterie, modélisation, changement climatique. Marie Gosme a commencé sa carrière sur la modélisation spatio-temporelle des épidémies et de la dynamique des populations de ravageurs. Elle travaille actuellement sur les interactions entre arbres et cultures dans les systèmes agroforestiers dans le contexte du changement climatique.

Dr Delphine Mézière
Dr Delphine Mézière


Dr Delphine Mézière, INRA - UMR SYSTEM, is an agronomist specialized in weed management and cropping system design. She is also in charge of the coordination of a French research and extension network, created to share expertise, databases, and experimental sites on agroforestry innovations.

Dr Jean-Claude Emile
Dr Jean-Claude Emile


Dr Jean-Claude Emile, INRA-FERLUS, mixed crop-dairy systems,  yield and quality of grasslands and forages, innovative forage and dairy systems, agronomical and zootechnical experimentation.

Dr Dominque Desclaux
Dr Dominque Desclaux


Dr Dominque Desclaux

Dr Claudine Thenail
Dr Claudine Thenail


Dr Claudine Thenail

Dr Stephanie Aviron
Dr Stephanie Aviron


Dr Stephanie Aviron

Dr Valerie Viaud
Dr Valerie Viaud


Dr Valerie Viaud

The Progressive Farming Trust Ltd trading as Organic Research Centre is the UK’s leading independent research, development institution for organic agriculture and agro-ecology. It aims to develop and support sustainable land-use, agriculture and food systems, primarily within local economies, which build on organic principles to ensure the health and well-being of soil, plant, animal, man and his environment. ORC's multi-disciplinary and collaborative research covers plant breeding, crop production, bio-diversity and eco-systems services, agroforestry, livestock systems sustainability assessment, climate change, and socio-economics and policy, in many fields using participatory methods and with a strong focus on knowledge dissemination. ORC has been involved with agroforestry research for over 10 years, evaluating an agroforestry approach to balancing productivity with protection of the environment as a truly multi-functional land use. Research has focused on the Wakelyns Agroforestry site in Suffolk, as well as working with a network of agroforestry practitioners across England.

Voir l'équipe


Dr Jo Smith
Dr Jo Smith

Le Docteur Jo Smith (Chercheur sénior en agroécologie) se concentre sur les systèmes agroforestiers tempérés y compris les systèmes sylvo-pastoraux et silvoarable. Elle est un chef d'un groupe de travail pour ICOPP (projet ERA-NET), pour TWECOM, leader adjoint d'un groupe de travail pour Co-FREE (7e PC) et chef de mission pour SOLIDE (7e PC).

Prof. Martin Wolfe
Prof. Martin Wolfe

Prof. Martin Wolfe (Principal Scientific Advisor) is emeritus professor of plant pathology at ETH Zurich with longstanding involvement in research on bio-diversity and eco-agroforestry.

Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus

The Department of Soil Protection and Recultivation is part of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Process Engineering of the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus. Ongoing research activities comprise various aspects of land reclamation, initial ecosystem development and new types of land use systems. The scientific work of the 'Multifunctional land use' research team, which is part of this project, aims on agroforestry systems including nutrient cycles, management, biodiversity, microclimate, bioenergy and bioeconomy as well as environmental impact assessment. The research team builds on more than 17 years of agroforestry research on different types of long-term field trials in cooperation with local farmers and other stakeholders and is experienced in the management of national and international R&D project.

See the team


Prof. Dr Dirk Freese
Prof. Dr Dirk Freese

Prof. Dr Dirk Freese, Agriculture Engineer, Agroforestry, agriculture, soil chemistry and land reclamation,
including nutrient cycles and modeling aspects

Dr. Jaconette Mirck
Dr. Jaconette Mirck

Dr. Jaconette Mirck, has more than ten years of international, academic and industrial experience in bioenergy and phytoremediation using short rotation coppice systems.

Mr Michael Kanzler
Mr Michael Kanzler


Mr Michael Kanzler has a MSc degree in forestry with a focus on short rotation coppice and has been working on alley cropping systems at BTU University in Cottbus since 2010.

The University of Extremadura (UNEX) was funded in 1973. The Forestry school opened in 1999 offers BSc level courses on Forestry engineering. In the research team there are soil scientists, ecologists, forestry engineers, biologists, economists and social scientists. They conduct multidisciplinary research on natural resource management issues and on various biophysical and social aspects of the Mediterranean forest and agroforestry systems, mostly focused on functioning, productivity and sustainability of the Mediterranean agro-silvo-pastoral systems (Iberian dehesa). They have participated in two previous EU FP projects, SAFE and BioBio.

See the team


Gerardo Moreno
Gerardo Moreno

Gerardo Moreno Marcos PhD in Biology, teaches Soil Science and Forest Planning at Forestry School, University of Extremadura. He is specialized in the functioning of forest and agroforestry systems with a focus on functioning, management and persistence of Iberian dehesas.

Manuel Bertomeu García
Manuel Bertomeu García

Manuel Bertomeu García PhD is a Forestry Engineer, teaches Forest Management. Long research and development experience on timber-based agroforestry.

Juan Carlos Gimenez
Juan Carlos Gimenez

Juan Carlos Gimenez. Forestry Engineer. Expert on modeling hydrological processes and GIS.

Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA) is one of the faculties of the Universidade Técnica da Lisboa (Technical University of Lisbon). Our core business is Higher Education, Research & Development and Technology Transfer mainly in the scientific fields of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources, Food Science and Engineering, Animal Production, Environmental Engineering, Biology and Landscape Architecture. Present scientific work includes 108 Research & Development projects (17 international) and others involving Technology Transfer. We are leader partner in 2 international projects funded by the EU and in 48 national projects. Most of our partners in international projects belong to the EU but we participate in several research networks with other countries, namely Australia, New Zealand, USA, Brazil and Chile. Our experience in Research & Development projects with international teams has more than 20 years and during this period we were project leader of several large and very large teams

See the team


Dr João HN Palma
Dr João HN Palma

Dr João HN Palma, PhD in Production Ecology and Resource Conservation with expertise in process
based modeling, GIS, Environmental modeling, programming in different languages, including web .

Dr Joana A Paulo
Dr Joana A Paulo

Dr Joana A Paulo, PhD in Forestry, works in modeling and forest management, with enfaces in Portuguese ‘montado’ stands (cork and tree growth).

Josep Crous-Duran
Josep Crous-Duran

Josep Crous-Duran has a Master’s Degree in Environmental Studies and experience modelling economic, social and environmental impacts caused by the forestry industry. For this project, Josep will focus on modelling the Ecosystem Services offered by the Agroforestry systems.

Tânia Oliveira
Tânia Oliveira


Tânia Oliveira has a PhD in Forest Engineering and Natural Resources and has experties in empirical and process based forest growth modelling and GIS.

Ana Tomás
Ana Tomás


Ana Tomás, Master in Forest Engineering and Natural Resources has expertise in project management and is a software developer interested in different programming languages.

University of Copenhagen

With over 37,000 students and more than 7,000 employees, the University of Copenhagen is the largest institution of research and education in Denmark. UCPH is ranked as the 7th best European University on the Leiden Ranking list (2011, based on no. publications). The EU Office at the University of Copenhagen has extensive experience in managing both FP6 and FP7 projects. The Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management (IGN) at the UCPH was recently founded in 2013 by the merging of the Danish national centre Forest & Landscape and the Department of Geography & Geology. The department is part of “Geocenter Denmark” and “The National Center for Forest, Landscape and Planning”. IGN’s activities include research and development, education, public-sector service, and outreach as well as international development and environ-mental assistance in the fields of geology, geography and geo-informatics, forest, nature and bio-mass, and landscape architecture and planning.

See the team


Dr. Tobias Plieninger
Dr. Tobias Plieninger

Dr. Tobias Plieninger will be Associate Professor in Countryside Planning at the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management as of September 2013. He holds a PhD in forest and environmental sciences and a habilitation in landscape ecology. His research specialises on analysis of cultural landscape change, ecosystem services assessment, agroforestry systems, and humanenvironment relations.

Mario Torralba
Mario Torralba

Mario Torralba is a PhD fellow in the University of Copenhagen. He has a Master Degree in Ecology from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He focusses on ecosystem services assessment in agroforestry systems.

Dr Nora Fagerholm
Dr Nora Fagerholm

Dr Nora Fagerholm is postdoctoral researcher holding a PhD in geography. Her expertise lies in integrated landscape planning and participatory GIS with a focus on mapping ecosystem services from the stakeholders’ perspective


Agroscope FDEA-ART is the Swiss national competence centre for agro-ecology. Agroscope conducts research into environmentally compatible and economically competitive farming by combining ecology, economics and agricultural engineering. Expertise at Agroscope is in agronomy, agricultural technology and economics, plant breeding and genetics, molecular biology, biodiversity and landscape development, and eco-controlling. FDEA-ART evaluates agricultural policies with respect to their environmental and economic impact and is responsible for agri-environmental indicator development, application and communication with a strong focus on biodiversity

See the team


Dr. Felix Herzog
Dr. Felix Herzog

Dr. Felix Herzog, is an agronomist and landscape ecologist. He leads the research group on Agricultural
Landscapes and Biodiversity at FDEA-ART (15 staff) and co-ordinated the FP7 BIOBIO project

Sonja Kay
Sonja Kay


Sonja Kay has a diploma degree in forestry with the focus on landscape management and GIS and a Master`s degree in energy management. She will do a PhD on ecosystem services of agroforestry at the landscape scale.

Werkgroep voor Rechtvaardige en Verantwoorde Landbouw (i.e. the Working Group for Just and Responsible Agriculture) Wervel vzw is a non-governmental organisation based in Brussels, Belgium. Wervel aims to promote agriculture that increases economic, ecological, social and cultural value. By the use of networks, campaigns and publications, Wervel moves consumers, farmers and organisations to build such agriculture systems. Wervel has worked on agroforestry on a Flemish level since 2002 and has successfully advocated the implementation of the EU support measure in Flanders. Wervel has promoted agroforestry to diverse groups of stakeholders, including but not limited to the press, farmers, local governments, and academic and educational institutions. At a European level, Wervel participated in policy advocacy initiatives on agroforestry and on European protein production

See the team


Jeroen Watté
Jeroen Watté

Jeroen Watté has a Master's degree in Land & Forest Management, and a Master's in Cultures and Development Studies (development anthropology) from the KULeuven. Jeroen has studied sustainable agriculture independently in India, Zimbabwe and has been working on sustainability issues since 2002, including work on agro-ecology and agroforestry, sustainable protein food chains, and issues of ecological debt. Since 2002 he has been promoting agroforestry, with a focus on communication and networking to mobilize relevant stakeholders, and policy makers.

The Department of Agroecology is part of the Faculty of Science and Technology at Aarhus University. It holds a scientific staff of 80 plus 70 PhD students covering most aspects of agricultural sciences, and is organised in six research groups, one of which ‘Agricultural systems and Sustainability’ is part of this project. This group is leading with respect to issues related to agriculture and environment, production systems, organic food and farming and participatory approaches. The research group builds on more than 25 years of farming systems research combining participatory on-farm experiments in livestock and crop production with modelling of production, energy use and nutrient flows and studies of farmers’ production logics and decision making processes in relation to economic efficiency, environmental impact and marketing strategies

See the team


John E. Hermansen
John E. Hermansen

John E. Hermansen leads the ‘Agricultural systems and sustainability’ group. John’s scientific profile is within agriculture and environment, including life cycle assessment of foods, and organic livestock systems. John has experience in managing projects involving SME’s as well as international team of research partners and is currently WP leader in 2 EU funded project through FP 7 (Agrobiofilm and SOLID). Is presently heading the National project SUMMER and the ERA net project ICOPP that focus on the integration of livestock into land use.

Anne Grete Kongsted
Anne Grete Kongsted

Anne Grete Kongsted focuses on effects of managerial, environmental and genetic factors on resource utilization, animal production, animal welfare and meat quality in free-range pig production systems, including systems with integrated pork and energy crop production.

Agri Food and Biosciences Institute

AFBI is a non-departmental public body which carries outresearch to underpin the agri-food industries in Northern Ireland. Most funding comes from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development but it also works closely with the Northern Ireland Environment Agency, is a partner in many EU and other projects and is linked to Queens University of Belfast. In 1989 AFBI participated in the UK Agroforestry Research Forum’s UK National Silvopastoral experiment with a site on its research station at Loughgall, Co Armagh and an on-farm site. These sites are still available for research purposes. AFBI participated in the EU ALWAYS agroforestry project and in several national and internationally funded research projects. It has also been involved in technology transfer, promoting agroforestry through the local government advisory service and, through participation in an all-island agroforestry group, assisting in establishing demonstration sites in Ireland. The Institute (with almost 800 staff) embraces a wide range of scientific disciplines which can be drawn upon to support its agroforestry research and has a well-equipped field station with access to land, wide-spaced tree plantations and livestock. It has access to two excellent on-farm demonstration sites, one in Northern Ireland and one in Ireland and would hope that participation in the project would provide a knowledge-base through basic research on ecosystem services delivery from these and knowledge transfer to the wider farming and forestry sectors

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Professor Jim McAdam
Professor Jim McAdam

Professor Jim McAdam, Head, Crops Grassland and Ecology Branch. Responsible for field Stations, specialist in silvopastoral systems

Consiglio per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione in Agricoltura

The Agricultural Research Council (CRA) is the largest national (Italy) research organization in agriculture. It operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture, with general scientific competence within the fields of agriculture, agroindustry, food, fishery and forestry. The CRA gathers together the experience of 28 Agricultural Research Institutes and their 54 peripheral operational units for a total of 82 offices throughout the nation. The distribution of the CRA offices throughout national territory allows it to widely extend its expertise and proficiency, and to closely operate in conjunction with central administrations, local and regional institutions, companies and various trade, industrial and legal associations.

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Dr. Adolfo Rosati
Dr. Adolfo Rosati

Dr. Adolfo Rosati (Senior Researcher), focus on agroforestry, ecophysiology, sustainability. Worked on a Regional project on Olive Agroforestry, funded by the Region of Umbria within measure 1.2.4 of the RDP.

The Louis Bolk Institute (LBI, Netherlands) is an independent scientific research institute offering advisory, research, and development services in the field of organic and sustainable agriculture, nutrition and health care. It operates as a not-for-profit foundation. Its strength lies in its ability to integrate different disciplines, bringing together a broad range of researchers including soil, plant and animal scientists as well as physicians. The Institute operates in the Netherlands and Europe and also has regional offices in Uganda and Ghana. The Institute’s Department of Animal production systems has a strong background in sustainable farming systems development and participatory approaches. Its expertise includes ecosystems services, sustainable soil management, agro-forestry, agro biodiversity, carbon sequestration in different farming systems and animal welfare. The department closely cooperates with other research institutes and universities and with farmers, for example the ‘Duinboeren foundation’ and poultry farmers network ‘Trees for chickens’. The institute is and has been involved in many EU projects: QLIF, Low Input Breeds, CO-FREE.

See the team


Dr Nick van Eekeren
Dr Nick van Eekeren

Dr Nick van Eekeren (LBI) Senior researcher on soil, plant and animal production-aspects of dairy farming. Coordinator the institute’s research on agro-biodiversity. PhD (2010) on grassland management, soil biota and ecosystem services in sandy soils. One of his current research themes is silvo-pastoral systems. He also coordinates several dairy farm  networks.

Monique Bestman
Monique Bestman

Monique Bestman MSc (LBI) Biologist and animal scientist involved in several Dutch and EU research, demonstration and advisory projects concerning animal welfare in laying hens and also projects about the development of multipurpose ‘plantations’ in poultry outdoor runs and climate neutral poultry farming

Mark Vonk
Mark Vonk


Mark Vonk is an advisor to the AGFORWARD project and leads on agriculture nature management for the regional farmers organization, Duinboeren (Dune farmers). Duinboeren is subcontractor for LBI and maintains contact with the fodder tree farmers and other fodder tree stakeholders in the region and manages the test sites. Mark has a BSc in Forest and Nature Management and together with his wife runs a small-scale organic farm where customers can harvest their own vegetables and fruits.


The Italian National research Council (CNR) is the largest public research institution in Italy. The mission is to promote innovation and competitiveness, the internationalization of the national research system, to provide technologies and solutions to emerging needs, to advice Government and other public bodies, and to contribute to the qualification of human resources. CNR is organised in 11 departments and 108 institutes across Italy. Three institutes will participate in the project. The Institute of Agro-environmental and Forest Biology (IBAF) focuses on the interaction between plant species and environment; the Institute for Biometeorology (IBIMET) with the main focus on evaluation of global changes impact on agriculture and forests, and the Institute for Animal Production System in Mediterranean Environment (ISPAAM) focuses on the ecophysiology and management of forage resources within silvopastoral systems

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Andrea Pisanelli
Andrea Pisanelli

Andrea Pisanelli, rural sociologist, expertise on participative approach and stakeholder analysis

Dr Pierluigi Paris
Dr Pierluigi Paris


Dr Pierluigi Paris is a Researcher at the Istituto di Biologia AgroAmbientale e Forestale at Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. He is a specialist in agroforestry with specific experience in field experimentation, plant ecology, rural development and extension of practices. Pierluigi is the National

Coordinator of the Italian Working Group on Agroforestry of SISEF (Italian

Sci. Society on Forest Ecology).

Francesca Camilli
Francesca Camilli


Francesca Camilli

Francesca works for Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche at the Istituto de Biometeorolgia.

Nyugat-magyarországi Egyetem Kooperációs Kutató Központ Nonprofit Kft.

The Cooperation Research Centre for Environmental Resources Management and Protection (Nyugat-magyarországi Egyetem Kooperációs Kutató Központ Nonprofit Kft.) was founded by and as an economical organizational unit of the University of West Hungary in 2005.

The research activities are carrying out on three different fields:  I. Improvement of the method and the practical application of Environmental Impact Assessment procedures, II. Development of waste treatment technologies, an III. Eco-Energetics in cooperation among the University’s three faculties and its 20 industrial partners. The laboratories and professional know-how of the several university institutes of University of West Hungary are available as a background for research activities of the Co-operational Research Center.

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Dr Andrea Vityi
Dr Andrea Vityi

Dr Andrea Vityi. Expertise in agroforestry research.

Dr Anna Varga
Dr Anna Varga


Ms Anna Varga is an Assistant Research Fellow at the Centre for Ecological Research in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Her expertise is in silvopastoral systems and she is pursuing a PhD on “Nature conservation, landscape history and traditional ecological knowledge of the wood pastures in Hungary”.

Babes Balyai University has the longest academic history of any university in Romania.   It is situated in Cluj Napoca near the hills, mountains and plains of Transylvania in North West Romania.  The Department of Ecology and Taxonomy is within the Faculty of Biology and Geology.  The Department  has expertise in the areas of terrestrial and aquatic ecology, with an increasing focus on land use change and interdisciplinary landscape ecology.   Specific areas of interest include the dispersal of species within spatially and temporally heterogeneous landscapes.   It has experience in previous FP6 projects such as ALARM (Assessing Large-scale risks for Biodiversity using Tested Methods) and GLORIA. Within this project, Babes Bolyai will work with local farmer groups and NGOs (such as ADEPT) to promote the development of appropriate agroforestry systems.   The team has expertise in biodiversity conservation, ecology and physiology, environmental monitoring, impact assessment and rural development.

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Tibor Hartel
Dr Tibor Hartel

Tibor Hartel, PhD in ecology

Veneto Agricoltura is the regional agency for agriculture, forestry and agri-food sectors since 1999. The Division of Research and Agroforestry management comprises more than 40 people (researchers and technicians), plus specialized workers across four experimental farms and four centres (horticulture-flowers, grape-wine, fruits plants and forestry trees nursery). Main projects and experimental activities include most aspects of agricultural and forestry sciences, with special attention to low input and sustainable production system (including organic), biodiversity conservation, alternative energy production and use at farm lever and forestry management in the plane and mountain areas. A participatory approach to projects activities is frequently used including local farmers and associations and SME. On field visits, training courses as well workshops and technical leaflets are used to disseminate results between stakeholders at regional and national level.

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Dr Valerio Bondesan
Dr Valerio Bondesan

Valerio Bondesan, animal scientist studying interaction between production system and products quality (meat and traditional processed products in pig, beef, milk, eggs), with focus on organic free range pigs. He has coordinated projects for biodiversity conservation of local breeds (sheep, cow and poultry) and assessment quality traits of their products.

Created in 2000, AGROOF is a worker cooperative, specialized in agroforestry development. AGROOF develops activities linking research to the field: research development, training, implementation of projects, audiovisual productions. AGROOF was a partner of the SAFE Project. AGROOF contributes to national and international research on agro-ecology on very accurate subjects such as the quantification of carbon storage by the root system, variation of nutriments in the presence of trees, trees vs erosion, trees and auxiliaries. On a very local level, AGROOF also helps local public structures in their territorial management and farmer in developing their agroforestry projects.

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Fabien Liagre
Fabien Liagre

Fabien Liagre: leads projects management activity;
Nicolas Giardin: is responsible of the communication and audiovisual;
Camille Béral: Engineer specialized in agroforestry, has in charge the research activity;
Daniele Ori is project manager and training courses manager for student and end-users.

Nicolas Girardin
Nicolas Girardin

Nicolas Girardin: is responsible of the communication and audiovisual;

The Assemblée Permanente des Chambres d'Agriculture (APCA) are the French chambers of agriculture. They have been implied in agroforestry development for more than 20 years. APCA coordinates a network of advisors that work on forest, trees and wood, and a network with Chambers from mountain areas that work on pastoralism.

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Yousri Hannachi
Yousri Hannachi

Yousri Hannachi : in charge of agroforestry, forest & wood for French Chambers of Agriculture.


The Association Française d’AgroForesterie (AFAF) is the French association for Agroforestry. It was created in 2007 and it works with farmers in order to enhance agroforestry systems.

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André Sieffert
André Sieffert

André Sieffert is Administrator of AFAF, biologist and agronomist specialized in agroforestry, with 16 years experience in organic vegetable production. Today specialized in the design and implementation of systems associating fruit trees, vegetables and wild trees ("vegetable-orchards") with scientists and farmers in France.

The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) is part of the alliance of the CGIAR centres. The Centre is guided by the broad development challenges pursued by the CGIAR. These include poverty alleviation, enhanced food security and health, improved productivity with lower environmental and social costs, and resilience in the face of climate change and other external shocks. The Centre's mission is to generate science-based knowledge about the diverse roles that trees play in agricultural landscapes, and use its research to advance policies and practices that benefit the poor and the environment. The Centre has generated important knowledge and technology in the form of international public goods thus enhancing the evolution of policy and institutional innovations. It has done this by expanding knowledge on the multifunctional roles of tree-based systems and addressing challenges and opportunities across ecosystems to leverage benefits for smallholders. It is uniquely positioned to address global challenges.

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Dr Fergus Sinclair
Dr Fergus Sinclair

Dr Fergus Sinclair is ICRAF’s Science Domain Leader on Agroforestry Systems. He has >70 international publications on agroforestry and >2000 cites and an h-index of >25 (google scholar). He has worked for over 25 years on agroforestry research and development in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America. He holds positions at Bangor University in the UK and at CATIE in Costa Rica. His expertise includes classification of agroforestry practices, local knowledge and modelling agroforestry systems from field to landscape scales. His most recent research revolves around development of negotiation support tools to manage synergies and trade-offs amongst impacts of farm trees on multiple ecosystem services

The European Agroforestry Federation (EURAF) aims at promoting the use of trees on farms (silvoarable and silvopastoral) throughout Europe. EURAF is a non-governmental organisation that unites eight national agroforestry associations throughout Europe and more than 250 individual members from 18 different European countries. EURAF was founded on December 16th, 2011 at the first European Agroforestry Meeting in Paris, and has been focusing on policy work in 2012, promoting agroforestry uptake in the new Common Agricultural Policy, and informing European decision makers (European Commission, European Parliament, National Governments). In October 2012 EURAF organised the first European Agroforestry Conference in Brussels


See the team

Anja Chalmin
Anja Chalmin

Anja Chalmin

Jabier Ruiz
Jabier Ruiz

Jabier Ruiz

External Expert Advisory Panel


See people


Professor PK Nair
Professor PK Nair


Professor PK Nair

Professor PK Nair is a Distinguished Professor in Agroforestry and International Forestry at the University of Florida in the USA.  He organised the First World Congress in Agroforestry in Florida in 2004.

Professor Shibu Jose
Professor Shibu Jose


Professor Shibu Jose

Professor Shibu Jose is Director of the School of Natural Resources at the University of Missouri in the USA. 

Gerry Lawson
Gerry Lawson


Mr Gerry Lawson is a Research Fellow at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. He has agroforestry experience from projects in Europe, Africa and Central America, and nowadays focuses on forest, agricultural and climate policy.  He led the policy workpackage of the Silvoarable Agroforestry for Europe (SAFE) Project and is Vice President of the European Agroforestry Federation.